Headquartered in the Galleria Area of Houston TX, CGS Digital Marketing Agency is dedicated to helping businesses of all sizes. Transforming brands, building successful websites with purpose, and implementing effective marketing strategies.
To make this happen, the team at CGS Digital Marketing takes time to understand your business’s USP (Unique Selling Proposition). CGS helps position you as the industry leader by elevating your brand image and helping you build authority while using various growth strategies, such as Social Media Advertising, and Search Engine Optimization.
CGS Digital Marketing also assesses their clients’ website content, design and functionality to improve overall user experience, hence increasing conversions.
A Search for Help
Shortly after starting CGS Digital Marketing, its founder Sami Khaleeq started searching for a Business Law firm that guide CGS as it scaled its business in the fast and competitive digital marketing arena.
Some of the qualities Sami looked for were:
- Agile, small business savvy law firm that timely met CGS’ legal needs and communicated well
- Knowledge of cutting-edge digital marketing field
- Willingness to be business problem solver, not overly conservative deal killer as some attorneys can be
But, his team kept getting advice from sub-par attorneys that failed to timely communicate with CGS and solve their client contracting and payment issues. CGS was left with contracts containing limited protection that failed to address the most important, recurring items specific to CGS’ business. This cost CGS significant time and several thousands of dollars (from clients taking advantage of weak contracts to delay payments even after projects were completed and launched).
Sami says, “the business was suffering without proper legal paperwork, contracts, and was losing good talent to clients.”
What Happened Next
Sami quickly realized that CGS needed a law firm that was agile enough to maneuver the fast world of Digital Marketing Law, while keeping CGS legally compliant with more substantive client-agency contracts and someone acting as CGS’ outside business counsel guiding them through scaling CGS the right way.
Though CGS has quite extensive connections, we came across PDH Law in 2013 by being highly recommended by several peers.
PDH Law Partner Corbett Parker made CGS realize that it was essential that they have a Master Services Agreement combined with specific Proposals that clearly and specifically communicated each of CGS’s service offerings, the unique terms of each project, and defining CGS client responsibilities in order for their projects to be a success. Corbett was emphatic about streamlining CGS clients’ payment options to ensure CGS always got paid for the great job they performed.
Looking Ahead
Now, 7 years after CGS Digital Marketing began partnering with PDH Law, its cash flow has improved, its disputes and litigation risks have been reduced, and the CGS team is well on its way becoming a leading digital marketing agency within the next few years.
Sami says:
“We are in rapid growth and our team is now assured that not only do our current client agreements protect us as an agency, but provide the necessary assurance to our clients as well. The world of entrepreneurship comes with loads of uncertainties, but having a top of the line legal team acting as the wind at our backs makes the journey more enjoyable, and lesser risks worth taking. Corbett Parker of PDH law has been nothing short of a phenomenal Attorney. ”